Why Join?
As an individual we are weak. As a fraternity we are strong.
Delta Sigs act with purpose. Those around you hear what you say; they also see what you do. Whether or not you wear our letters, speak our motto daily or choose to show off your membership badge every chance you get, know this: A Delta Sig is identified by the action he takes to better the world around him, not by the certificate of membership he receives in the mail.
Delta Sigma Phi is a lifelong brotherhood, and we invite you to consider being a part.
Delta Sigma Phi - Beta Mu has established ourselves as an outstanding Greek organization on Transylvania's campus. Not only have we had the highest fraternity GPA for 45 consecutive semesters, we also won the Chapter of the Year award for the past several years awarded by the University at the annual Greek Awards, and the Pyramid of Excellence, an annual award presented by our national fraternity to the best chapters in the country, an unprecedented 30 times.
Our members are what make our chapter so successful. ALL of our members are involved in other organizations, while 46% of our members hold leadership roles in those organizations. Our members are involved in areas across campus, which include:
Admissions Office
Alpha Lambda Delta
American Chemical Society
Black Student Alliance
Campus Center Manager
College Democrats
College Republicans
Cross Country
Disciples on Campus
First Engagements
French Club
Green Revolving Loan Fund
Guitar Ensemble
Habitat for Humanity
Interfraternity Council
Interfraternity Council Standards
It's On Us
Kentucky YMCA Youth Association
Math Club
Omicron Delta Epsillon
Omicron Delta Kappa
Order of Omega
Peace Corps Prep
Phi Alpha Theta
Phi Delta Epsilon
Physics Club
Residence Life
Sigma Delta Pi
Sigma Tau Delta
Sodalitas Classics Club
Speech and Debate
Student Activities Board
Student Alumni Association
Student Government Association
Student Judical Board
Swim Team
The Rambler
The Transylvanian
Theatre Department
Theatre Guild
Track & Field
Writing Center
If you want to surround yourself with peers who will lead you to become a better man, Delta Sigma Phi - Beta Mu is the right organization for you.